Chapter 6 – True Partnerships Are Rare

Be prepared for the hard questions

Don’t settle for non-answers or gaps in information. It’s OK for you not to have everything at your fingertips and to have to do a little digging to get the information asked for. But you need to be willing and capable of getting it and sharing with your agency. The ‘Brief’ is an effective conduit to having this discussion and ensuring each partner has the information they need to move forward and support each other, make good decisions grounded in a shared view of reality, and hold each other accountable based on mutually agreed terms and conditions.

Do you feel your agency understands what you need them to do?

Say ‘yes’ to ‘no’

Embrace the disagreement and discussion that comes from healthy conflicts and challenges. Sometimes that’s easier said than done, but both parties should welcome an occasional ‘no’ and be open to exploring why one side isn’t as excited as the other about an idea. If you have a good working relationship with the agency, the ‘no’ will come from a shared sense of responsibility to do what’s best for each other, which is a good thing.

How does your agency help you prioritize what you do now and what you do later?

Accept the decisions you make

As a team and with your partners—and don’t reverse your support if things go south or bomb. If you were part of the decision, had a chance to voice your opinions, and were heard and listened to, then you own part of the outcome, even if the ultimate decision went against your advice. Partners don’t point fingers, and they recognize that sometimes things don’t work out as planned. That’s simply part of working together.

Do you feel your agency is a partner or a vendor?
If you’re ready to talk with us, we’re ready for you.