Chapter 2 – Buyer Behaviour Has Changed

Know your customer

You can’t possibly hope to succeed if you don’t get close to your customer. Get to know them. Talk to them and to the people in your company who deal with them directly. It is your customers who ultimately determine whether you are successful. So, while your business model and value proposition are important, understanding how to make them relevant to your customer is mission critical.

Do you have a Voice of the Customer (VoC) program?

Understand the math

Make sure you recognize how the business measures success and the impact your marketing efforts have on the KPIs most relevant to the C-Suite. That means you need to understand the market available to you, how many of your targets there are, the likelihood of penetration, and the added value that represents to the bottom line.

Do you have a plan-to-make-plan?

Find a good agency partner

You’re at the point where you need some help to ensure your internal marketing resources are as effective as possible. Leverage the outside perspective and expertise an agency brings so that your team can accomplish more and focus on high-value work.

Would you like to partner with an agency that shares accountability for your results?
If you’re ready to talk with us, we’re ready for you.